albert che. illustrator
albert che. illustrator

Hell Bovine:
Albert Che is an illustrator/ printmaker from Seoul, Korea. Screenprinting is a big part of his process.
Hell Bovine:
Albert Che(알버트최)는 서울에서 활동하는 일러스트/판화 작가 입니다. 작업을 주로 실크스크린으로 표현하고 있습니다.
Skeleton Archer:
His work is influenced by the occult, the macabre and the doomed. So is my work. I summon demons with my bow.
Skeleton Archer:
알버트는 다크아트는 어두움과 신비주의에서 영감을 얻고 있습니다.
Corrupt Rouge:
Check out his works on instagram @albertche_art
Corrupt Rouge:
인스타그램에서 작업들을 확인해보세요 @albertche_art
Albert runs a printstudio @Miniprint specializing in screenprinting!
실크인쇄를 전문으로 하는 판화공방@Miniprint 을 운영하고 있습니다.
Skeleton Soldier 1:
If you have questions, feel free to email Albert at
However, I heard of a prophet that can answer all questions. I think.. their name was Chat GPT..
문의 사항이 있으시면 으로 연락주세요
Skeleton Soldier 2:
Why did the skeleton feel so lonely at the dance?
because he has no body to dance with...
Skeleton Soldier 2:
Why did the skeleton feel so lonely at the dance?
because he has no body to dance with...
Skeleton Soldier 3:
Aside from exhibitions, Albert often collaborates with various musicians and brands.
Keep an eye out! I kept both my eyes out and now they are lost.
Skeleton Soldier 3:
Aside from exhibitions, Albert often collaborates with various musicians and brands.
Keep an eye out! I kept both my eyes out and now they are lost.
Hell Bovine:
He enjoys working in black and white. He could use more cowbell
Hell Bovine:
He enjoys working in black and white. He could use more cowbell
Prince of Darkness:
This Website was created by Albert Che as an homage to his early influences. Diablo was definately one of them.
Prince of Darkness:
This Website was created by Albert Che as an homage to his early influences. Diablo was definately one of them.